Spectator welcome

Dear Bulldog Fans and Visitors:

On behalf of the Stanberry R-II School District and community, I would like to thank you for attending this event. Your support of our programs plays a valuable role in ​the lives of each of our student-athletes. With your help, interscholastic activities serve as an educational opportunity for each student and helps to develop a well-​round experience. Through teamwork, dedication, commitment, grit, & perseverance our student-athletes learn life-lessons hard to teach in a classroom setting, ​make memories, and build relationships that will last a lifetime.

We are all proud of our school and community and believe them to be the finest in the state. We have proven it with our teams on the field/court and in the classroom ​outside of competition. We ask all spectators at this contest/event to help continue the proud tradition of excellence by showing good sportsmanship throughout ​the contest. Let's make our visitors feel welcome and give the officials the respect they deserve for doing a difficult job. Striving to be the best is never easy, but ​with supportive fans setting the example of good sportsmanship, our proud tradition here at Stanberry is guaranteed to continue for years to come.

I hope you enjoy watching our students participate in what they love. Thanks again for your support, and have a great evening.


Dr. John Davison, Superintendent

Stanberry R-II School District

Notice: No alcoholic beverages or open containers are permitted on property owned or leased by Stanberry R-II School District. The use of any form of tobacco is ​also not permitted. This would include but is not limited to school grounds, parking lots, buildings, athletic fields, bleachers, and spectator parking areas.